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عدد المساهمات : 453 تاريخ التسجيل : 26/01/2010 العمر : 34
| موضوع: اسطوانة Bowler Cisco CBT Labs Volume 1 And 2 DVD DISC 1 علي رابط سريع السبت ديسمبر 04, 2010 4:10 am | |
| اسطوانة Bowler Cisco CBT Labs Volume 1 And 2 DVD DISC 1 علي رابط سريعبسم الله الرحمن الرحيم السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته اقدم لكم الاسطوانه المشهوره ومفيده Bowler Cisco CBT Labs Volume 1 And 2 DVD DISC 1وان شاء الله باقي الديفيديهات يتم رفعها محتويات الاسطوانه كود PHP: 60 total videos covering the following topics: Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) *Configure/Explain EIGRP and use show/debug commands for verification *EIGRP Basics *EIGRP Network command *EIGRP MD5 Authentication *Explain how EIGRP calculates the composite metric *EIGRP Summarization *EIGRP Leak-maps *EIGRP default route *Virtual Template Interfaces
Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) *Configure/Explain BGP concepts listed below and use show/debug commands for verification *BGP MD5 Authentication
*BGP TTL Security
*BGP Outbound Route Filtering (ORF) between 2 routers
*Configure/Explain BGP and use show/debug commands for verification *External BGP (EBGP) *Internal BGP (IBGP) *BGP Authentication *BGP Route Reflectors *BGP AS_Path attribute *BGP Local Preference attribute *BGP Default Route *BGP Route Aggregation *BGP Route Dampening *BGP Suppress-Maps *BGP Unsuppress-Maps *EBGP Multihop *BGP Update Source Loopback *BGP Weight Attribute *BGP Multi-Exit Discriminator (MED) Attribute *BGP Community Attribute *BGP Confederations *IP Prefix-Lists for BGP
Frame Relay
*Configure/Explain Frame Relay concepts listed below and use show/debug commands for verification
*Frame Relay End to End Keepalives (EEK)
*Point to Point Protocol (PPP) Multilink over Frame Relay
*Explain and show how to setup Virtual Template interfaces and how they are used with PPP over Frame Relay.
*Frame Relay Static configuration *Frame Relay Point to Point configuration *Frame Relay point-to-multipoint configuration *Frame Relay switch in GNS3
*Configure/Explain IPv6 concepts listed below and use show/debug commands for verification
*Setting up Frame Relay Static maps using IPv6
*Routing Information Protocol Next Generation (RIPng)
*Configure RIPng on 3 routers on an Ethernet network and explain how RIPng works in comparison to RIPv2
*Enhanced Interior Gateway Protocol (EIGRP) IPv6
*Configure EIGRP IPv6 on 3 different routers in an Ethernet network and show the differences between EIGRP IPv6 and EIGRP IPv4
*Open Shortest Path First Version 3 (OSPFv3)
*Configure OSPFv3 on 3 different routers over frame relay
*Explain how OSPFv3 is different than OSPF IPv4
*Explain the link-local IPv6 addresses and how they are used to provide reachability over frame relay networks using IPv6 dynamic routing protocols
*Border Gateway Protocol for IPv6, Mulitprotocol BGP (MBGP)
*Configure BGP IPv6 between 2 different routers and explain how BGP IPv6 works in comparison to BGP IPv4
*Configure IPV6 on Fast Ethernet and Loopback Interfaces *Configure IPV6 Static Routing *IPV6 address auto-configuration
Routing Information Protocol (RIPv2)
*Configure/Explain RIPv2 concepts listed below and use show/debug commands for verification
*Setup RIPv2 Offset Lists and explain how they are used to manipulate RIPv2 metrics and their filtering capabilities
*Setup RIPv2 Summarization
*RIPV2 on 6 routers *RIPV2 plain text and md5 authentication *Detailed look at rip hop count metric
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
* Configure/Explain OSPF concepts listed below and use show/debug commands for verification
* OSPF over Frame Relay using the network types of Non-Broadcast and Broadcast.
* Explain the different characteristics of Non-Broadcast and Broadcast network types in OSPF and how to configure and verify them.
* How to optimize your OSPF over Frame Relay using Broadcast and Non-Broadcast network types
* Configure All OSPF Area types including, Stub Area, Totally-Stub Area, Not So Stubby Area (NSSA) and Totally NSSA.
* Explain all the different OSPF area types and how they are used to filter Link State Advertisements on within different OSPF Areas
* Configure Redistribution of RIPv2 routes into the OSPF domain
* OSPF Basics * OSPF in Five different Areas * OSPF simple and MD5 authentication * OSPF Summarization (Internal) * Explain the basics of OSPF * OSPF Virtual links * OSPF Virtual link alternative (GRE Tunnel)
Switching Labs
*802.1Q Tunnelling
*Configure/Explain how to setup an 802.1q Tunnel and show the characteristics of a L2VPN. *Show how you can use an 802.1q Tunnel to create a Layer 2 VPN to tunnel CDP information between to Switches that are not directly connected. *Switchport Security *Configure/Explain how to use Switchport Security and show the characteristics of Switchport Security *Explain how Switchport Security can be used to secure your switches from outside attacks. *Explain the 3 different modes of Switchport security and also show you advanced Switchport security features to help ease the administration of switchports.
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*Configure/Explain Etherchannels and use show commands for verification *Configure a layer 2 Etherchannel *Configure a layer 3 Etherchannel *How to verify Etherchannel connectivity *Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP) *Configure/Explain DTP and use show commands for verification *Vlan Trunking Protocol (VTP) *Configure/Explain VTP and use show commands for verification *Explain the different modes of VTP *VTP Authentication *VTP Pruning *Vlan Trunking from a Switch to a Router *Configure/Explain router-on-a-stick and use show commands for verification *Configure/Explain VLANs and use show commands for verification
IP Multicast
* Configure/Explain Multicast concepts listed below and use show/debug commands for verification
* Auto RP between 4 routers
* Explain the concept of a mapping agent within AutoRP.
* Explain how to announce multicast groups on a RP into the Auto RP domain and how the Mapping Agent will discover, advertise and Map to the groups to the specific RPs.
*Configure IP Protocol Independent Multicast Dense Mode (PIM-DM) *Configure IP Protocol Independent Multicast Sparse Mode (PIM-SM)
Access Control Lists
* Configure/Explain the Zone Based Firewall concepts listed below and use show/debug commands for verification
* Setup a Zone Based Firewall (ZBF) and show how they work with the MQC configuration set.
* Explain in detail how filtering takes place within ZBFs
* Explain the different Zone types
* Explain the concept of a Zone Pair
* Explain how you apply the policy map to the Zone pairs
* Explain how to put interfaces into different Zones
* Standard Access Control List (ACL) * Virtual Terminal Line (VTY) Filtering * Time Based Access Control List (TBACL) * Explain/Verify how TBACLs work * IP route-cache flow to monitor network traffic on the router
Quality of Service (QoS)
* Configure/Explain the QoS concepts listed below and use show/debug commands for verification
* Explain in detail how to setup and use the Modular Quality of Service Command Line Interface (MQC) configuration set
* Show how to use Class-maps, Policy-maps and apply the policy map inbound/outbound on an interface.
* IP Network Based Application Recognition (NBAR)
* Explain in detail how to implement NBAR and how it can be used proactively to discover Applications and Protocols that are running on or through a specific interface
* Explain Packet Description Language Module (PDLM) and how it can be used in NBAR
* Explain in detail the Match Protocol Class map statement and how it is related to NBAR
* Legacy Frame Relay Traffic Shaping (FRTS)
* Explain in detail how to setup and use Legacy FRTS on 3 different routers using the concept of a map-class to apply under the specific Data Link Connection Identifiers (DLCIs)
* Explore some of the main features of Legacy FRTS and explain them such as map-class, CIR, Bc, Be, Tc, BECN, Adaptive shaping, MINCIR.
Point to Point Protocol (PPP)
*Configure/Explain PPP Multilink on 2 routers across multiple Serial point-to-point connections.
*Explain the concept of bundling multiple interfaces together to form one logical interface.
*PPP Authentication over Point to Point Serial Link *PPP CHAP Authentication *PPP PAP Authentication
Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) *Configure/Explain MPLS and use show/debug commands for verification *MPLS Unicast IP Forwarding
MPLS VPNs *Configure/Explain MPLS VPNs and use show/debug commands for verification *Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) *Multi-Protocol BGP (VPNV4) *Mutual Redistribution between PE and CE nodes running RIPv2 *Explain BGP AS-Path Attribute in MPLS VPN *BGP allow-as in *BGP as-override
On-Demand Routing (ODR) *Configure/Explain ODR and use show/debug commands for verification *Explain Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) and its use with ODR
Floating Static Route *Configure/Explain floating static route and use show/debug commands for verification
IP Services *Configure/Explain Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) on a router and use show/debug commands for verification *Microsoft loopback adapter on your computer to act as a DHCP Client for the DHCP Server in GNS3 *Configure/Explain Network Time Protocol (NTP) on a router and use show/debug commands for verification *Basic NTP for both Broadcast and Non-broadcast Networks
Policy Based Routing (PBR) *Configure/Explain PBR and use show/debug commands for verification *Policy Based Routing using a Route-map
Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) *Configure/Explain GRE Tunnel and use show/debug commands for verification *GRE Tunnel *EIGRP Across GRE Tunnel *Explain GRE Tunnel Basics
Hot Standy Router Protocol (HSRP) *Configure/Explain HSRP and use show/debug commands for verification *HSRP Preemption *HSRP traffic flow
Connecting Real Switches to GNS3/Dynamips *Connect a real 3550 to GNS3 *Verify connectivity between the router in GNS3 and the Real 3550 *Give you specifications on my GNS3/Dynamips Server
Redistribution *Perform Mutual Redistribution between RIPv2 and OSPF *Use a route-map to tag routes *Explain RIP and OSPF Metrics *Verify that redistribution is being performed properly using show commands
GNS3 *Configure/Explain how to use GNS3 and set it up to use.
Security Device Manager (SDM) *Configure/Explain how to use SDM with GNS3
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